
Coal-derived asphaltene (CDA) has been shown to form electron donor–acceptor-type molecular complexes with electron acceptor such as 2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-diylidene also known as tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) in homogeneous medium of carbon tetrachloride and heterogeneous medium of aqueous SDS. This has been investigated both by UV-Vis and fluorescence spectrophotometric method. The Charge transfer (CT) absorption peaks have been detected by difference spectral method and the wavelengths of the CT peaks are close in both the medium. The formation constants (K) have been determined using the Benesi–Hildebrand equation. The magnitudes of K are in the order of 103 L mol−1 that are comparable to some supramolecular or inclusion complexes. The study reveals the presence of π-donor (i.e., aromatic) type of compounds in CDA molecule. It also supports the view that CDA molecules exist in solution forming micellar aggregate, in the cavities of which the TCNQ molecules are included. The remarkable increase (three fold) in the formation constant in the SDS medium compared to CCl4 further indicates that the CDA aggregate in SDS undergoes some preorganization to further facilitate inclusion.

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