
Bright and hot areas with a high plasma density and temperature are observed in all kinds of Z pinches. We studied bright radiating spots produced by micro-pinches in cylindrical and planar wire-arrays at the 1 MA Zebra pulsed power generator using an x-ray streak camera synchronized with laser diagnostics, x-ray time-gated pinhole camera, and spectroscopy. Hot spots with extremely dense and relatively hot plasma arise during the collapse of the micro-pinches. These hot spots radiate a continuum spectrum with energy >2.5 keV. Typical micro-pinches in Al wire arrays generate x-ray bursts with durations of 0.4–1 ns in the soft x-ray range and 0.1–0.4 ns in the keV range. UV two-frame shadowgraphy shows spatial correlation of hot spots with the collapse and explosion of micro-pinches. Micro-pinches typically occur at the necks of the Z pinch, but can demonstrate a variety of parameters and different dynamics. An analysis of x-ray streak images shows that micro-pinches can generate >20% of the x-ray energy in some types of wire-array Z pinches.

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