
Background and Aim: Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) and diabetic foot infections (DFIs) are associated with reducedpatient quality of life, lower-extremity amputation, hospitalization, and high morbidity and mortality. Diversebacterial communities have been identified in DFUs, playing a significant role in infection prognosis. Hence thisreview done to evaluate the current state of play in etiology of DFUs by culture methods to Improve prognosis andreduce burden of diabetic foot in form of decreasing hospital stay and health cost.Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis was done for the patients with diabetic foot ulcer. A total of 292samples were included in the study among which 160 male and 132 female, attending the surgery departmentoutpatient and indoor were included. Institutional ethical clearance was taken and informed consent was obtainedfrom the subjects in their own language.Results: 310 samples were collected from patients with diabetic foot ulcers. From these samples, 292 havingpositive cultures. Overall, 91 culture results (31.18 per cent) were gram-positive, 149 culture results (51.02 percent) were gram-negative and 52 culture results (17.80 percent) were poly-microbial.Conclusion: Proper tissue sampling, advanced culture and sensitivity methods for diagnosis, targeted antibiotics,surgical procedures, and sugar control with regular medications can prevent infection progression and moreimportantly, the risk of lower extremity amputation.

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