
Data on the mass conductivity coefficient have been obtained during drying the onion seeds in a thick layer of 5 mm thick ventilated on the surface, which were calculated by the zonal method on the basis of experimental curves of drying and heating. These data are described by the dependence of the mass conductivity coefficient on temperature and moisture content of the material. The comparison of the mass conductivity coefficient values for a layer and for single seeds is given, which shows that: 1) the mass conductivity coefficient in the layer changes significantly during drying, therefore, this change must be taken into account; 2) the change in the mass conductivity coefficient is due to its dependence on both moisture content and temperature, but the influence of temperature prevails over the influence of moisture content, therefore, themass conductivity coefficient increases during drying, 3) the mass conductivity coefficient in the layer is two orders of magnitude higher than for single seeds. The curve of seeds drying in a layer of 5 mm thick have been calculated using the obtained data on the mass conductivity coefficient for the process of oscillating infrared seeds drying carried out at a material temperature fluctuation in the range from tmin = 34 °C to tmax = 40 °C, which showed satisfactory agreement of the results of calculation and experiment. Experimental and calculated curves of oscillating infrared seeds drying in a layer of 5 mm thick are compared with analogous curves of drying the seeds in a monolayer, which showed that, despite the fact that the mass conductivity coefficient of seeds in a layer of 5 mm thick is two orders of magnitude greater than in a monolayer, the drying of seeds in the first case is slower because of the greater thickness of the layer. To calculate the kinetics of the process of oscillating infrared seeds drying in a dense layer, when its surface temperature oscillates in the range from tmin = 34 °C to tmax = 40 °C, the zonal method is recommended using the obtained data on the mass conductivity coefficient, taking into account the change in the mass conductivity during the process.Forcitation:Rudobashta S.P., Zueva G.A., Dmitriev V.M. Study of mass conductivity properties of seedslayer. Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol. 2017. V. 60. N 7. P. 72-77.

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