
In mushroom cultivation enterprise both male and female farmers were engaged in the same manner and even female growers were getting more success. It is easy growing technology, cultivation inside hut, less labour and attracted women farmers also. Farmers were getting high returns from mushroom cultivation but some constraints were reported in its marketing. Due to highly perishability in nature farmers have to sell it within 2-3 days. Male farmers equipped themselves to sell 90% of their product in fresh form and 2% of their produce was sun dried but a total loss of 8% was recorded especially in case of button mushroom as it became black after sun drying. The marketing of fresh mushroom was a major constraint for female farmers as they face problem in going outside for marketing. They were fully dependent on middle men and getting less returns compared to male counterpart. So, they were converting 20-30 % of mushrooms not sold in value added product as dried mushroom, nuggets and pickles. Value added products have long lasting quality so they have to spend more time to sell their product at better price. To extend the freshness time, storage of mushroom in Zero Energy Cool Chamber was also one of the best way, so farmers got extra one or two days to sell their produce and minimize the spoilage.

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