
Case method learning as one of the learning methods applied at Nusa Cendana University aims to improve problem-based higher order thinking skills. This learning is generally carried out in the form of face-to-face, but in this study, the case method was applied using LMS. The purpose of this study is to examine how the implementation of case method learning is carried out using LMS media in Electrical Engineering Education students. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative using data collected on google form as many as 15 questions using a Likert scale and 5 essay questions that have been validated. The research subjects were 65 students in the Electrical Engineering Education Study Program. The results obtained are 61.15% of respondents know about the case method learning, 60.00% have applied the case method in the course, 50.77% have implemented the case method in over 7 meetings in 1 semester. In LMS all features are available including discussion rooms with clear learning steps in LMS, but still 54.62% of students have difficulty understanding case-based learning methods using LMS, according to respondents the application of LMS is much more effective in the face-to-face form than LMS, where 45.38% of students still have difficulty understanding the material using the LMS-based case method. The conclusions that can be drawn from this research, in terms of the facilities available in the LMS, it is very possible to apply the case method. The case method steps have been systematically arranged in the LMS and even discussions can also be facilitated, but it is not enough to accommodate the needs in problem solving when using the LMS, the application of LMS offline or face to face by respondents is much more effective than LMS, this is because students do not all understand the case method and are not used to learning based on the case method because in one semester the application of the case method is less than 50% of the entire meeting, students have difficulty understand the material using the case method in LMS-based learning because the use of the LMS is less than optimal in building discussions and also the limitations in conducting problem studies through web meetings because even though the lecturer has given the material but still needs a direct explanation, because the learning patterns used are developed so far is face-to-face learning and tends to receive lecturer-centered information and does not train themselves to learn independently. From the results of this study, things that need to be addressed from the application of case method learning when using LMS, communication between student lecturers needs to be maximized, then students need to encourage themselves to study independently and try to develop their learning independence by increasing their learning motivation.

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