
This article presents a rethinking of the role of historical figures of the Kazakh steppe, and their placein social and political life. In this regard, the works of Soviet and pre-revolutionary authors, includingA. I. Levshin, L. Meyer, I. I. Kraft, P. Yudin, S. N. Sevastyanov and others, has focused particularly. Inour case, the activity of the political leaders is considered from a new point of view, taking into accounttheir place in the national history. The differentiation of the socio-political activities of the leaders ofthe Kazakh steppe depends primarily on the interpretation of researchers. Therefore, it is of paramountimportance for us to first reconstruct the events, influenced the assessment of personalities and theiractivities in society.In the last quarter of the XVII – the first quarter of the XIX century, among the authoritative figuresof the Western region of Kazakhstan, Karatai Sultan, Aishuak Khan, Aryngazy Khan, Shergazy Khan, etcoccupy a special place. Their activities in the struggle for political stability have attracted the attentionof Russian researchers and neighboring countries. It should be noted that the period of the XVIII-XIXcenturies for the Kazakh people can be interpreted as one of the most difficult periods. Because for manyyears, the entry of Kazakhstan into Russia was extolled by the artificial theory of «voluntary accession»and the socio-political, socio-economic problems of the Kazakh people were clearly studied. Under hisinfluence, the author examines and analyzes the history of the national liberation struggle, which wasnever interrupted, during the colonization, the historical image of the Kazakh citizens ruling the country,the relations of our people with neighboring countries exclusively in the interests of the «older» people.Key words: history, historiography, pre-revolutionary benefactors, power, khan, sultan, Junior Zhuz,Sultan Karatai, Aishuak Khan, Shergazy Khan, Russia, Kazakhstan.

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