
Background:Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an emerging public health problem worldwide, with increasing cost of healthcare particularly in developing countries like India. Haematological parameters are generally influenced in CKD and the effect increases with the stage of CKD. Haematologicalprofiles are rarely investigated in CKD subjects in our population. This studywas conducted to determinethehaematological profile and serumiron indices in non-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients. Materialsandmethods:The present cross-section was conducted at KarapagaVinayaga Medical College, Chengalpattu. A total of 153 patients aged above 18 were recruited by purposive sampling. Thorough clinical examination and investigation complete blood count,reticulocyte,count serumureaand creatininewereanalysed.Datawereanalysed,andstatisticalcalculationswere carriedoutusingSPSSversion19.0.Means,rangeandmedianwerefoundtorepresentthedata appropriately. Chi-Square tests are used for association. A P-value of <0.05 was considered significant. Results: The mean duration of illness ranged from 3 months to 27 months, with an average of 8.66 months.Nearly34%oftheparticipantshaddiabetesmellitus,29%hadhypertensionand25% were smokers. Our reveals that there were statistically significant differences seen in associationbetweenCKDstagesandHaematologicalparametersHb(gm/dl),PCV%,Platelet count(lakhs/cumm). Conclusion:Anemia is a leading cause of morbidity in CKD patients, and it worsens with disease stage. The evaluation of Hb and RBC parameters in CKD patients aids in classifying the type of anaemia,aidingintheselectionofappropriatetreatmentmodalities,andavoidingunnecessary iron overload in these patients.

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