
Background & Objectives: Malaria is an acute, recurrent and sometimes chronic vector born disease caused by protozoan parasites plasmodium species. Malaria is a major health problem in India, being one of the biggest burdens in terms of morbidity and mortality among all infectious diseases and induce hematological alterations which include anemia, thrombocytopenia, mild to moderate atypical lymphocytosis, monocytosis, eosinophilia and neutrophilia. This study was conducted in the department of pathology in a tertiary care center. The bloodMaterials & Methods: samples were collected in EDTA and accessed for the hematological investigation included hemoglobin estimation, total and differential leukocyte count, MCH, MCV, MCHC, RDW, RBC count and platelet count, were done. Thin blood smears after staining with Giemsa stain were used for species identication. Study of hemoglobin level in malaria patients revealed that mild anemia (8-11gm %) was present in majority of theResults: patients i.e., 44 out of 100 cases. Moderate degree of anemia (5-8 gm %) was seen in 21% of the patients. Severe anemia (less than 5gm %) was seen in 3% cases. Present study showed vivax cases (83%) closely followed by fewer cases of falciparum (14%). Thrombocytopenia is the most common nding, irrespective of the type of malaria. Conclusion: Various hematological changes can occur in both falciparum and vivax infections, most commonly anemia and thrombocytopenia. Changes in white blood cells are less dramatic.

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