
The kinetic Alfven waves are investigated using Maxwell-Boltzmann-Vlasov equation to evaluate the kinetic dispersion relation and growth/damping rate with magnetic field gradient, density gradient, temperature gradient and velocity gradient with inhomogeneous plasma. The effect of gradient terms is included in the analysis for both the regions k⊥ρi 1, where k⊥ is the perpendicular wave number and ρi is the ion gyroradius. This study elucidates a possible scenario to account for the particle acceleration and the wave dissipation in inhomogeneous plasmas. This model is able to explain many features observed in plasma sheet boundary layer as well as to evaluate the dispersion relation, growth rate, growth length and damping rate of kinetic Alfven wave. The applicability of this model is assumed for auroral acceleration region, plasma sheet boundary layer and cusp region.

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