
People are constantly exposed to ionizing radiation, but generally the amount, type and duration of exposure to radionuclides (radiation emitters) affects the severity or type of health effect. Nearly all rocks, minerals and soil may contain small amounts of naturally occuring radioactive materials, and when they are incorporated into building materials, these naturally occurring radioactive materials are included as well. Ionization is a process in which a charge portion of a molecule is given enough energy to break away atoms. There are three main kinds of ionizing radiation: alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays and x‐rays, with gamma and x‐rays having a higher amount of energy. Since gamma rays have a higher amount of energy, they have potential to cause a greater damage on the outside or inside of a human body. A model based on data gathered from different types of structures will try to show that the amount of ionizing radiation, especially gamma rays, that affect residents in various parts of buildings, is directly related to the properties of radionuclides present in building structures.


  • Visus gyvuosius Þemës organizmus nuolat veikia jonizuojanèioji spinduliuotë ið kosmoso, Þemës plutos, vandens, atmosferos

  • People are constantly exposed to ionizing radiation

  • they are incorporated into building materials

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Visus gyvuosius Þemës organizmus nuolat veikia jonizuojanèioji spinduliuotë ið kosmoso, Þemës plutos, vandens, atmosferos. Net apie 80 % viso laiko þmogus praleidþia patalpose, todël èia gaunamas didþiausias gamtinës apðvitos dël kosminës ir Þemëje esamø radionuklidø jonizuojanèiosios spinduliuotës poveikis [1]. Dël statybinëse medþiagose esanèiø radionuklidø aktyvumo iðorinës apðvitos mastas priklauso nuo laiko, praleidþiamo patalpose ar lauke. Sudaryti gyventojø iðorinës apðvitos patalpose situacijos modelá, pagal kurá galima bûtø ávertinti pastatø konstrukcijose esanèiø radionuklidø jonizuojanèiosios gama spinduliuotës mastà.

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