
The nasal mucosal involvement in lepromatous leprosy is well recognized. Currently interest has centred around the involvement of paranasal sinuses in leprosy. They act as a reservoir and constant source of reinfection to the nasal mucosa. In the present prospective study 25 untreated patients with multi-bacillary leprosy were included. Clinical examination, computed tomography (CT) scan of paranasal sinuses, ethmoid sinus endoscopy and biopsy were carried out in all patients, to investigate the involvement of the paranasal sinuses in leprosy. Ethmoid sinus involvement was noted in 20 patients on CT scan. Bilateral involvement was more common (65 per cent). Anterior ethmoids were more commonly affected (65 per cent). On ethmoid sinus endoscopy abnormal mucosa was noted in 17 patients (68 per cent). Ethmoid sinus biopsy was confirmative in 16 patients (64 per cent). Statistically significant correlation was found between CT findings, sinus endoscopy and sinus biopsy findings.

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