
Abstract Endurance of three muscle groups was studied ergometrically: flexors of the forearm in 30 subjects, flexors of the hand, and extensors of the lower leg in 20 subjects. The flexors of the forearm were tested with two ergometers: the lever and the pulley type. The load used was equal to one-third of the maximum strength of the respective muscle group. Tests-retests gave the following coefficients of reliability: arm pulley ergometer, .91; arm lever ergometer, .89; grip ergometer, .88; and leg ergometer, .75. The coefficients of correlation between performance times were: arm pulley and arm lever ergometers, .91; arm pulley and leg ergometers, .53; arm pulley and grip ergometers, .68; grip and leg ergometers, .58; arm lever and grip ergometers, .30. All r's except the last one were statistically significant.

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