
This paper studies the influence of Dynamic Capabilities on Start-up Growth moderated by Ecosystem of Technology-based Start-up in Indonesia. The research have following objectives (1) To study the variable Dynamic Capabilities influencing Start-up growth and (2) To study Start-up Ecosystem as Moderating Variable. A company need to have ability to learn from the environment, integrate the knowledge gathered, perform reconfiguration and make changes. This capabilities, known as Dynamic Capabilities has been proven to be important capabilities in established company to sustain in harsh business environment. This research focus to inspect the Dynamic Capabilities in Technology-based Start-up Company in Indonesia. Quantitative methods are implemented for the study. Quantitative data are gathered using a questionnaire measuring these variables. The data are analysed using Structural Equation Modeling techniques with SmartPLS Software. The results show that the characteristics of Technology-based Start-up who enjoyed growth influenced by Dynamic Capabilities and moderated by Start-up Ecosystem.

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