
The Nowshahr port in the southern coastlines of the Caspian Sea is among the oldest northern ports of Iran, first commissioned in the year 1939. In recent years, this port has been faced with severe sedimentation issues in and around its entrance that has had negative impacts on the operability of the port. The present study aims at identifying major reasons for severe sedimentation in the port entrance. First, field measurements were evaluated to gain an in-depth view of the hydrodynamics of the study area. Numerical models then were calibrated and validated against existing field measurements. Results of numerical modeling indicated that wind-induced current is dominant in the Caspian Sea. The numerical results also indicated that in the case of an eastward current direction, the interaction between current and the western breakwater arm would lead to the formation of a separation zone and a recirculation zone to the east of the port entrance region. This eddying circulation could transport suspend settled sediments from eastern shoreline towards the port entrance and its access channel. The results of this paper are mostly based on the study of current patterns around the port in the storm conditions incorporate with the identification of sediment sources.


  • The study of sedimentation in the entrance channel and basin of ports is of significant importance

  • With the construction of coastal structures such as ports and with potential interference with longshore sediment transport patterns, the study of coastline changes due to accretion and erosion and subsequent loss of land in the hinterland area of port becomes of greater importance

  • Proper identification of sources of sediment supply and dominant transport patterns is of significant importance in determining long-term status of the port and all the operational expenditures required to keep the economic functioning of the port [1]

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The study of sedimentation in the entrance channel and basin of ports is of significant importance. This is because excessive sedimentation can result in a reduction in economic activities and can impact the overall operability of the port. With the construction of coastal structures such as ports and with potential interference with longshore sediment transport patterns, the study of coastline changes due to accretion and erosion and subsequent loss of land in the hinterland area of port becomes of greater importance. TThhee iinniittiiaall llaayyoouutt ooff NNoowwsshhaahhrr ppoorrtt ((aaeerriiaall ppiiccttuurree iiss ttaakkeenn aarroouunndd 11995522)). CChhaannggeess iinn NNoowwsshhaahhrr ppoorrtt llaayyoouutt ssiinnccee tthhee yyeeaarr 11998899 uunnttiill nnooww. AAss aa rreessuulltt,, tthhee bbaassiinn aanndd eennttrraannccee cchhaannnneell ooff NNoowwsshhaahhrr ppoorrtt hhaass bbeeeenn ddrreeddggeedd mmuullttiippllee ttiimmeess ssiinnccee 11998888. IInn tthhee pprreesseenntt ssttuuddyy,, bbootthh ooff tthhee aabboovvee mmeennttiioonneedd ssoouurrcceess ooff ddaattaa wweerree uusseedd ffoorr iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn ooff sseeddiimmeennttaattiioonn iinn NNoowwsshhaahhrr ppoorrtt

Existing Field Measurements
Measurements of Local Wind
Riverine Sediment Properties
Description of Numerical Model and Main Parameters
Results and DiscuSsesdiiomnent variation coefficient
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