
Aartav described in Ayurved has great similarity with menstrual flow of woman. The woman health is greatly dependent on normal cyclic menstrual pattern (Rutustrava) which is influenced by many factors like Prakriti, Kaal, etc. The duration of menstrual flow varies from 3 to 7 days according to different Ayurved compendia. The Doshas which have impact on Prakriti, may vary the pattern of Rutustrava. Due to influence of Rutu (seasonal variation), the Doshas attain variations which have impact on Rutustrava. It is known that all the Dosha are important for regulation of menstrual cycle which are acting on its various phases. The predominance of individual’s Prakriti may interfere and alter the quantity and duration of flow was the research question. Similarly the vitiation of Doshas causes the abnormal menstrual flow which may result in Vandhyatwa. Thus the present study enlightens the relationship between Prakriti & Rajastrav. Aim & Objective: Study the correlation of Rajastrav (menstrual flow) with Prakriti in Vandhyatwa (primary infertility). To assess the characteristics of Rajapravrutti in different Prakriti in cases of primary infertility. Material & Methods: Observational study, 50 diagnosed cases of primary infertility were included in the study and their observations were recorded in case record form prepared as per criteria mentioned in the methods and results were analyzed by Chi square test. Result- The maximum women with Vataj Prakriti had high grades of menstrual flow is 23 (46%) among them 20 in grade 2. In Pittaj Prakriti out of total 19 (38%) cases 18 had high grade of menstrual flow in grade 3. Whereas in Kaphaj Prakriti 7 out of total 8 (16%) cases shows grade 1 menstrual flow. Statistically significant association was found between Prakriti and menstrual flow. Conclusion- The strong association of Prakriti of women with duration and quantity of menstrual flow is found in this study. The duration of menstrual flow seen vary from 3 to 6 days in this study which is very nearer to the opinions of Ayurved compendia i.e. 3-7 days.

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