
During the CASES-99 field experiment, three quartz-based microbarographs were installed on the 58-m main tower at the Central Site. These devices measuredabsolute pressure with temperature compensated output at a resolution better than 0.2 Pa and a sampling frequency of 2 s-1 during the whole campaign. This sampling rate is not adequate to compute turbulent pressure fluxes with the classic averaging method, but the wavelet transform allows flux estimations at a wide range of scales. The resolution of the devices is suitable to study pressure perturbations such as internal gravity waves. The night period of the Intensive Operational Period number 6 (IOP6), where wave-like structures were present, is chosen to illustrate the method. A complete wavelet analysis of pressure recordsand data from sonic anemometers located at the same heights in the tower is performed. Wavelet methods make it possible to identify the relevant scales in the flowand to study the vertical structure of pressure perturbations, including coherent structures and small-scale motions.A study of a simplified turbulence kinetic energy budget equation is made and the contribution of the pressure terms is discussed.

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