
Objective To explore change of cognitive function in middle-aged patients with primary hy-pertension receiving no effective ,persistent and steady decreasing blood pressure treatment. Methods Thirty-four patients with hypertension from 40 to 60 years old, with course of disease of more than one year,who hardly re-ceived effective,persistent and steady decreasing blood pressure treatment, were enrolled ,while 34 normal control population,matched with hypertension group in age, gender and educational duration, were recruited. The MAT-RICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB) ,as a neuropsychological test used for measuring the subjects' cogni-tive function, included, Trail Making Test (TMT), BACS-Symbol Coding Test(SC), HVLT-R-Verbal Learning(HV-LT-R), WMS-III-Spatial Span(SS) , BACS-Digit Sequencing (DS), NAB-Mazes (MAZES), BVMT-R-Visuospatial Memory (BVMT-R), BACS-Category Fluency-Animal Naming (CF), MSCEIT-Managing Emotions (ME) and Con-tinuous Performing Test-Identical Pairs(CPT-IP). Results There was significant difference in TMT and CF and ME scores between hypertension group(47.81±10.85 ;48.04±9.42 ;47.36±10.39) and control group(54.79 ±13.75;53.22±12.1 ;52.1±9.01) (t=2.19, P=0.03;t=2.03, P=0.04;t=1.98, P=0.04) ,and no signif-icant difference in other subtests scores and MCCB composite score between hypertension group and control group (P>0.05). Conclusion The different extents of damage of cognitive function may appear in middle-aged pa-tients with primary hypertension receiving no specified treatment. Key words: Primary hypertension; Cognitive function; MATRICS consensus cognitive battery

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