
Inflammatory periodontal disease is the second most common pathology after dental caries, affecting up to 95% of the population of different age groups. The main etiological factor in the occurrence of this pathology is periodontopathogenic microflora. During orthodontic intervention, there is an exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the periodontium due to the accumulation of microbial biofilm, due to the appearance in the oral cavity of patients of additional retention sites in the form of fixed structures. The use of conventional hygiene products is not enough to eliminate deposits of microbial origin. Therefore, to reduce the inflammatory process in the periodontium during orthodontic intervention, it is necessary to use additional hygiene products that provide an adequate antimicrobial effect. These funds should mainly have a specific effect on the periodontopathogenic microflora. In the course of the conducted studies, the effectiveness of the antimicrobial action of dental gels "Bergisept" and "Metrogil-Denta" was proved. At the same time, "Bergisept-gel" has the advantages of specifically inhibiting the growth of P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans and practically does not have an antimicrobial effect against Str. salivarius.

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