
Shadow puppetry is a traditional Chinese fascinating theatre act performed by large group of artists. An artist generally uses sticks, transparent cloth screen, and flat puppets behind an illuminated background to create illusion of moving pictures during the act. These acts showcase the culture, heritage, social belief, and customs of Chinese and are a popular form of entertainment especially to youths. The modern method of digital shadow puppetry has gained a tremendous interest in the diversifying entertainment industry. Proper identification and classification of shadow puppetry is a tedious process, demanding significant research studies attention to solve the real-world vision-based problem. The proposed research studies focus on the design of artificial intelligence-based modified Grey Wolf Optimized Classifier (mGWOC) for the digital shadow puppetry problem. Data augmentation process is performed in the initial stage of the work to increase the size of the dataset used for training and testing. Secondly, to derive feature vectors from shadow puppet images, Alex Net-a deep neural network model as a part of feature extraction is adopted. Finally, Extreme Learning Classifier (ELC) is applied to allocate proper class labels. The experimental results of the proposed mGWOC reports betterment over the ResNet model, DenseNet model, and grey wolf optimization algorithm in terms of precision, recall, F-score, and kappa statistical performance measure reporting average accuracy as 0.951.

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