
With its burgeoning economic development, China incubates an eager appreciation for art, which sending numbers of Chinese students to study in USA each year. The majority of Arts Administration programs in USA are tailored to the non-profits sector thanks to the well-nurtured social philanthropy culture, which is still at an early stage in China. Students who study abroad not only face the language barrier, cultural assimilation and academic shock, but also are challenged by the transition of adjusting to a different mentality of managing art. My research focused on Chinese international students who want to pursue a master degree of Arts Administration in the USA. Using interviews and follow-up emails, I try to depict the picture of a group of characters, each of whom holds an unique approach while emerging into a generalized typical image. Through addressing their academic and social life, as well as career development, I intend to initiate progress that can be made to improve their experience of studying abroad. The research was complemented by perspectives from the other side – American faculty members, a group of people who are heavily involved with Chinese international students. Interviews with them provide a reverse version of the same subject matter, and this mirror effect brings a more objective view and also inspires everyone around the table to think differently about the situation of Chinese international students. Briefly, my thesis verified findings in the existing literature, in which language barrier, difficulty in assimilation to a new culture and struggle with academic shock were specifically discussed. But interviewees also broaden my research by presenting critical career-anxiety situations dealt by Chinese students, and professors’ participation into the job-matching process shed light on the need of formal career training sessions initiated by the university.%%%%M.S., Arts Administration – Drexel University, 2016

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