
In recent days gravastar has been a very lucrative alternative to black holes, as it does not suffer from the singularity problem as well and it is based on sound physical grounds. Modified Symmetric teleparallel equivalent of gravity also has seen quite a few successes in recent years both in cosmology as well as in astrophysical objects like black holes and wormholes. In this paper, we have considered the charged gravastar in f(Q) formulation and have solved it fully analytically and found various physical characteristics like energy density, entropy and EoS for the gravastar. We have used the Israel junction condition to make some phenomenological predictions regarding the potential of the thin shell around the gravastar. We have also studied the deflection of the angle caused by the gravastar. Finally, we conclude by noting how future radio telescopes could detect the gravastar shadow and how can one distinguish it from the black hole event horizon.

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