
Background. According to the estimates of the World Health Organization for 2021, 615 million people (about 10% of the population of the world) showed symptoms of depressive or anxious disorders. Among the main causes of death in the population, the first half of the year continues to suffer from diseases of the circulatory system, and forecasts indicate a savings trend to an increase. Therefore, the development of anxiety-depressive disorders on aphids of ischemic stroke is relevant.
 Aim: to investigate the specificity of TDR on aphids of experimental ischemic stroke in the eyes.
 Materials and methods. Experimental studies were carried out on 30 non-linear laboratory tests, which were divided into 3 groups: group 1 - contact control, group 2 - animals of the group with simulated ischemic stroke; 3rd group - blindness with modeled ischemic stroke and anxiety-depressive disorders. The recovery of ischemic stroke in juveniles was performed using an additional model of endovascular occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (focal ischemia) by E. Z. Longa. A model of reserpine-induced depression in the eyes was selected for the morbidized morbidity of pathophysiological lanquences of anxiety-depressive disorders. To assess the experimental behavioral models of depression on laboratory tests, we used tests - “open the field” and “apply a cross-like labyrinth”.
 Results. Achievements in the test "chrest-like labyrinth" were confirmed by an increase in the hour of turning the eyes in the dark sleeves of the labyrinth (a marker of increased anxiety) and a decrease in the hour of the change in the lighted cottages. Zokrema, in a group of animals with a modeled ischemic stroke, the latent period of entry to the dark chamber of growth (p<0.05), as well as in the eyes with comorbid pathology (p<0.05) was compared with the intact group.
 There was a decrease in the hour of perebuvannya in clarified sleeves, as well as the number of clarified sleeves in both experimental groups of creatures.
 Conclusion. Significant changes in psychophysiological tests were noted for the minds of an ischemic stroke, however, in animals with a modeled comorbid pathology, there were more manifestations of changes in all indications, which indicated a strengthening of the anxiety of that change. Obtained results require the destruction of pathophysiological mechanisms of depressive-anxious disorders on aphids of cerebrovascular changes.

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