
Ten vacuum gas oil feeds were cracked in a fixed-bed microactivity test (MAT) unit and a modified ARCO riser reactor on separate occasions. Several important observations from the MAT study were reported, including the effects of gasoline precursors on the maximum gasoline yields, light cycle oil (LCO) precursors on the optimum LCO yields, and aromatics in feeds on the conversion levels at which the maximum gasoline yields occurred. The yield profiles were similar, in regard to shape and relative position, between H2S-free dry gas and catalytic coke for all but one of the feeds. A method to check the qualities of the MAT and riser data was demonstrated by plotting the coke or total gas selectivity versus the gasoline selectivity. Individual yields of gas, liquid, and coke from MAT at conversions of 55, 65, 70, and 81 wt % were compared with their respective pilot-plant data. MAT results, with the exception of coke yield, were, in most cases, within 15% of the corresponding riser yields. Good linear correl...

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