
The banking sector plays in important role in the country’s economy, acting as an intermediary to all industries. As the banking sector has a major impact on the economy as a whole. Performance evaluation of the banking sector is an effective measure and indicator to check the soundness of economic activities of an economy. Many methods are employed to analyse banking performance. One of the popular methods is the CAMELS framework, developed in the early 1970’s by federal regulators in the USA. The CAMELS rating system is based upon an evaluation of six critical elements of a financial institution’s operations: Capital adequacy, Asset quality, Management soundness, Earnings and profitability, Liquidity, and Sensitivity to market risk. Under this bank is required to enhance capital adequacy, strengthen asset quality, improve management, increase earnings, maintain liquidity, and reduce sensitivity to various financial risks. In the present study an attempt was made to evaluate the performance & financial soundness of NEPAL BANGLADESH BANK LTD using CAMEL approach. Quantitative parameters are computed and updated on a quarterly basis while in respect of the qualitative parameters the ratings / marks given at the time of previous on-site examination

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