
Gunung Batu Arboretum is part of the nature conservation area in Bogor City, West Java, Indonesia. It holds an essential role in supporting conservation effort activities through ex-situ of various trees species. Land biophysical research been carried out aimed at protecting the role of the Arboretum, which supports the growth of various plant collections of forest resources totaling 1,178 stems. The research was conducted in the field by making a soil profile and observing the characteristics of the environment and trees. The results showed that the location of the Arboretum was at the feet of stratovolcano, elongated ridges landform of Salak Mountain. The old volcanic rock covering this region form reddish-brown Latosol soil with deep solum, delicate texture, very friable and low aggregate stability, a very steep slope topography (slope >40%), supported by high rainfall, with an increased risk of erosion even it has landslide potential. The chemical character of the soil fertility is classified as acidic, low to moderate base saturation, low nutrient content, potentially the degradation of the soil fertility, especially the loss of topsoil, which is very supportive to the growth of the various types of trees collection in the Arboretum area.

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