
Bidadari Island is one of the tourism area, located in the southern part of Kepulauan Seribu. Tourism activities and its location that directly facing Jakarta Bay, obviously will affect the quality of the waters and ecosystems in Bidadari Island. A study of benthic foraminifera was carried out in 10 surface sediments and water quality samples, collected from the Bidadari Island, in order to determine the connection between abudance of foraminifera with the environmental conditions. Quantitative analysis, including calculation of abundance, community structure, and biplot analysis conducted to obtain this information. The results showed that there were 2473 individuals benthic foraminifera with a total of 33 species from 23 genera. The most abundant genera were Amphistegina, Calcarina, and Operculina. Based on the calculation of the community structure (diversity, evenness, and dominance index), benthic foraminifera on Bidadari island are in the low to moderate category, it indicating that the environmental condition in this area has begun to declined.

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