
The article deals with issues related to the study of acoustic emission processes of terrigenous-type reservoirs. Acoustic monitoring of oil deposits, based on its high emission potential and the time stability of the processes of emission of elastic energy, provides a reliable source of information for searching for oil and gas. The urgency lies in the need to solve the key problem of oil field devel- opment, namely: to obtain reliable information about the current reser- voir saturation due to the entry of unique and large high-yield fields, which give the main oil, into the stage of falling production, which is characterized by high water content. There were studied parameters of acoustic emission (AE) of a fluid-sat- urated sample of a terrigenous reservoir type with external acoustic impact on the installation of the core research in the conditions close to the reservoir. A detailed analysis of acoustic emission signals in the pore space of the core in dry and saturated states with various types of liquids has been registered and performed: water, kerosene, oil. Oil-saturated cores have a maximum accumulated signal and, accordingly, a high signal extraction rate, which has a pulsed character. In the cores saturated with water, there is a stable decline in the signal, while the dis- persion of the AE signal in water was at least 2 - 3 times less than in oil. The connection of acoustic emission changes from a saturation of the reservoir, which occur after the external acoustic impact on it, which is reflected in an increase in the level of AE in oil-saturated reservoir and reduction in water-saturated reservoir. The practical significance lies in the use of a new method of logging of seis- moacoustic emission in enhancing oil recovery of deposits, namely: a sig- nificant, by an order of magnitude, reduction in the cost of maintaining oil recovery compared to chemical injection or hydraulic fracturing methods.

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