
Energetic tail formation by ion-cyclotron-range-of-frequencies (ICRF) heating was studied in the large helical device (LHD), by measuring high-energy charge-exchange atom spectra with a specially developed natural diamond detector, which views the LHD plasma perpendicularly. Comparison of measured effective perpendicular temperature of ICRF-driven H+ minority ions with the classical Stix model indicates that perpendicular ions with energy at least up to 150 keV are well confined in the centre region of the LHD. However, deviation from the classical prediction was observed for high-energy perpendicular protons in the outer region of the plasma, indicating ripple-induced transport and charge-exchange losses. With perpendicular fast atom spectrum and flux measurements, small yet notable differences were detected co-injected and counter-injected ICRF-driven beam ion confinement during combined neutral beam injection (NBI) and ICRF heating. These results can be explained by the differences in the orbit topology and ICRF-induced drift.

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