
In this paper, a mechanical microscribing process is described that combines AFM probe-based microscribing with a five-axis microscale machine tool motion platform in order to achieve high scribing speeds, a large working volume, and the capability of cutting curvilinear patterns of grooves. An experiment is described that demonstrates groove formation, groove shape, and tool wear when long grooves are formed using multiple tool passes. A second more systematic experiment is described in which short-distance single-pass cutting tests were used to explore the effects of cutting speed, nominal tool load, and AFM probe mounting angle on groove geometry, tool wear, effective rake angle, and chip formation. Lastly, an experiment is described in which a long curvilinear groove is cut. It is shown that the most well-formed grooves were cut and acceptable tool wear was achieved, when using a high cutting speed, high nominal tool load, and low probe mounting angle. The capability of cutting grooves as long at 82 mm but with depths of only a few hundred nanometers, using a single tool pass at cutting speeds as high at 25 mm/min is demonstrated.

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