
The α-clusterization of an atomic nucleus has been studied for a long time, even from the earliest days of nuclear physics. Our understanding of the α-cluster structure is, however, mainly limited to the self-conjugate A = 4n (n = 2, 3, 4, · · · ) light nuclei and some of the neutron-rich radionuclides such as 10Be, 11B, and 14C. In order to study the α-cluster structure of a neutron-deficient 22Mg nucleus, we have measured the 18Ne(α, α)18Ne scattering in inverse kinematics by using radioactive 18Ne beams and the 4He gas target at the Center for Nuclear Study radioactive ion beam separator of the University of Tokyo. Recoiling α particles from the scattering were detected by using silicon strip detectors, which constitute ΔE-E telescopes for particle identification. By adopting a thick target method, we were able to investigate a wide range of excitation energies Ex = 9.9 - 16.5 MeV in 22Mg in this work.

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