
Background: Today, the growth of major industries depends on their appropriate interaction with small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In Iran, SMEs have 49 or fewer employees. The present study was an attempt to present an overall view of the condition of professional health and safety in such industries in order to gain information regarding activities related to occupational health and safety. Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional enquiry, in which 541 SMEs in Arak, Iran, were selected through systematic sampling and questionnaires were mailed to these companies. The questionnaires were sent to the occupational health units of the health centers in order to investigate target industries. The collected data was entered into SPSS software and analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. Results: The total response rate of the SMEs was 59%. Approximately, 59.2% of the enterprises monitored their workplace every 6 months in order to reduce and control risks. In addition, 44% of the target enterprises had written and regulated health and safety policies. With respect to safety, 64.7% of the enterprises had included health and safety training in the work plans of all employees at all levels. Moreover, 72.3% trained their staff on how to use self-protection devices, and 69.7% of the target SMEs had safety and technical protection committees. Conclusion: Welfare facilities and health management in SMEs were satisfactory. With respect to safety management, it can be inferred from this study that the essential safety and health factors for SMEs include announcing and investigating accidents, and education safety, because 70% of the target enterprises performed these activities.

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