
Modern biodiversity declining, including wild relatives of cultivated plants (WRCP) is caused by anthropogenic pressure and represents a serious threat to the world community. Since 2013 in the Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction CS MES RK the state scientific and technical program: “Botanical variety of wild relatives of cultivated plants of Kazakhstan as a source of enrichment and preservation of the agrobiodiversity gene pool for realization of the Food programme” has been realized. In 2014 the WRCP species of the natural flora of the mountain regions of Southeast Kazakhstan were the objects of researches within 4 floristic areas – the southern hillside of the Zhungar, Ile and Kungey Alatau; Ketmen, Terskey Alatau and Shu-Ile mountains. Results of researches: the Northern Tien Shan botanical diversity was revealed; mobilization of reproductive material was made; features of species structure of WRCP were studied, their phytocenosis characteristics were obtained; resource and breeding-genetic assessment of WRCP was made; their phytopathogens were revealed; passports of species of WRCP of the studied territory were made. The ridges of the Northern Tien Shan belong to the regions possessing a rather high degree of botanical diversity and due to it, they are considered to be the important objects of WRCP’ concentration in Kazakhstan. The taxonomical analysis demonstrated that WRCP of the studied regions are presented by 46 families with 148 genera including 269 series. The greatest species variety of WRCPwas presented in the following families: PoaceaeBarnhart – 66 species; RosaceaeJuss. – 38, FabaceaeLindl. – 28 species. The hierarchical order of the first three leading is Poaceae, Rosaceae, Fabaceae. In 2014 the species share of 5 families increased: Asteraceae, there were 11 representatives and it became 17, Lamiaceae (9 – 13), Alliaceae (8 – 9), Caprifoliaceae (4 – 7), Polygonaceae (5 – 12).

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