
The condition of Banyuwangi, which has begun to develop its tourist attraction, has made many Banyuwangi residents use it for business, not only as food souvenirs but also typical Banyuwangi t-shirts. One of the innovations that can be done in the T-Shirt business is to implement elements of local wisdom (words in the Osing language). To find out the potential of the T-Shirt business based on foreign language words, it is necessary to conduct research studies through analytical studies to determine the extent of consumer response. This research is a descriptive analysis research using 100 respondents who are divided into two categories, namely the category of adolescents (17-25 years) and adults (26-35 years). Overall, the accumulation of data from respondents regarding the interest in buying T-Shirt products based on foreign language words is 71% agree to buy, 18% do not, and 11% are undecided between buying the product or not. The results of this analytical research can be taken into consideration by T-Shirt business actors in Banyuwangi to determine the type of product and their target market. To obtain study results with high validity, it is necessary to conduct further research with a larger scale of respondents.

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