
Stress from work (occupational stress) has, as a consequence, multiple psychic and physical diseases (depression, sleep disorder, ulcer, infarction, immune disorder) and is increased by a series of predisposing factors. The study performed in 2015 in 11 hospitals in Bucharest which required completing a questionnaire by the medical professionals that were divided in a basic lot (75 ICU doctors and 75 ICU nurses) and a control lot (75 doctors and 75 nurses from different specialities). After the dates were statistically processed (using SPSS program) it pointed out significant differences between the basic lot (values well above normal limits) and the control lot comparing multiple items: the need of breaks during work hours, proper language during stressful situations, family life affected by exhaustion caused by the job itself, negative influence of the noise, negative influence of patients accuses about medical personnel, fear of professional risks, mistakes during work hours because of exhaustion, absence of guidelines and protocols, unreliable and insufficient drug and medical supplies, simultaneously treatment of more patients and insufficient medical personel, malpractice. Decreasing the influence of the negative factors may reduce the malpractice risk caused by exhaustion, may increase the quality of medical act and may reduce the exodus of medical professionals to the western countries.


  • Stress from work has, as a consequence, multiple psychic and physical diseases and is increased by a series of predisposing factors

  • Printre profesiile în care stresul este un factor major pentru scurtarea duratei

  • Vechimea în muncă figurează în tabelul II – privind repartiţia pe vârstă a subiecţilor

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Dr Rodica Eugenia Sîrghie Departamentul ATI, Spitalul de Copii „M.S. Curie“, Bucureşti. În urma prelucrării statistice (programul SPSS) au fost evidenţiate diferenţe semnificativ statistice între lotul de medici ATI (cu valori mult crescute peste medie) şi celelalte loturi de medici şi asistenţi la mai mulţi itemi: nevoia de relaxare în timpul programului; limbaj necenzurat în momentele de stres maxim; viaţa de familie afectată după o zi epuizantă; influenţa negativă a zgomotului; influenţa negativă a acuzelor pacienţilor asupra personalului; teama de riscuri profesionale; greşeala în timpul programului din cauza oboselii; lipsa ghidurilor şi protocoalelor; aprovizionarea inconstantă, insuficientă cu medicamente şi materiale; tratarea simultană a mai multor pacienţi şi personal insuficient; riscul de malpraxis. Scăderea influenţei acestor factori negativi ar putea reduce riscul de malpraxis cauzat de oboseala excesivă, ar creşte calitatea actului medical şi ar putea reduce exodul cadrelor medicale spre ţările vestice

Scor peste medie medici alte specialităţi asistenţi medicali ATI
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