
Complete edentulism status represents for the patient a moment with important functional and emotional meanings associated with aging and frequently with a complex general pathology. The rehabilitation of the full edentulous patient represents a real challenge for the dentist through its complexity. Therefore, we are highlighting the importance of knowing alternatives of treatment outside the conventional complete denture. The study analyzes three of the main methods of prosthesis in the full and subtotal edentulism (conventional complete denture, overdenture on natural teeth and on mini implants) in terms of patient satisfaction with the rehabilitation of the functionality of the oral system as well as the long-term outcome of prosthesis. Overdenture shows up to be a successful alternative in rehabilitation of the oro-maxilo-facial system, with benefits on the quality of life and a high degree of patient satisfaction.


  • Complete edentulism status represents for the patient a moment

  • emotional meanings associated with aging

  • The rehabilitation of the full edentulous patient represents a real challenge for the dentist through its complexity

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Complete edentulism status represents for the patient a moment with important functional and emotional meanings associated with aging and frequently with a complex general pathology. Conform tabelelor centralizatoare de mai sus, fiecărei categorii de pacienţi îi revine o literă şi fiecărui răspuns o cifră, astfel: A – pacienţi cu proteze convenţionale B – pacienţi cu supraproteze sprijinite pe dinţi C – pacienţi cu supraproteze sprijinite pe miniimplanturi 1– nesatisfăcător 2 – neutru 3 – moderat 4 – bine 5 – excelent Pentru analiza nivelului de satisfacţie, studiul urmăreşte şi criteriile de vârstă şi sex.

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