
Amber and non-amber T-even gt phages and their gt + revertants have been isolated and characterized extensively for amount of glucosylation and growth on various Escherichia coli restrictive hosts. From these studies we conclude that what determines the pattern of T-even gt restriction is the existence on the T-even gt DNA of specific nucleotide sequences, which when not properly glucosylated can serve as substrates for the E. coli restricting enzymes. Evidence is presented that the gt mutations affect the structural genes that code for the glucosyl transferase enzymes, that methylation plays no role in the restriction of gt DNA by the r6 and r2,4 restricting functions of E. coli, that glucosylation does not affect the process by which T4 excludes T2, and that even in permissive host cells the absence of glucosylation hinders gt phage growth by an as yet undetermined mechanism.

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