
Abstract The problem concerning qualification of food originated from animals irradiated and contaminated with 137caesium appeared especially after the Chernobyl accident. So, it was a reason to undertake respective studies on 108 rabbits divided into three groups: group I – non-irradiated rabbits, group II – irradiated with a dose of 103 mCkg−1 (400 R), group III – irradiated with a dose of 206 mCkg−1 (800 R). All animals were contaminated intragastrically with an aqueous solution of 137CsCl. After slaughter samples of the muscles were cured in 1, 3, 5, 10, and 15% brine or were cooked for 2 hrs. In the case of curing the radioactivities of meat and brine, and the concentrations of salt in cured meat were estimated after 7, 14, and 21 days. The radioactivities of cooked meat, broth, and condensed water vapour were estimated after 1 and 2 hrs. Taking into account the decrease of the radioactivities, duration of curing, and concentrations of salt in cured meat the optimum results were achieved when the mea...

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