
The objective of this study is to carry out a vegetation study at the Bozanta’s tailing pond, located 5 km away from Baia-Mare.Between 2016 and 2017, using the metric frame, the existing species were identified and the following phytocenothic and population indices were determined: presence, frequency, presence classes, and the average abundance-dominance. Soil samples were taken to perform the following physico-chemical analyses: pH, P, K, N, humus and heavy metals.The floral inventory shows the presence of six tree species, four species of and 30 herbaceous species. Eleven years after the pond closure, the surface is covered with: 30% vegetation coverage, 35% water gloss and the 35% difference is occupied by arid. The average abundance-dominant synthetic indicator showed that the highest coverage is found in Betula pendula, Salix caprea, and in the grass species, Phragmites australis.The results of physicochemical analyses of the substrate showed very wide ranges of pH and different amounts of phosphorus, potassium and humus, and low amounts of nitrogen. The presence and concentration of the following heavy metals were determined from three samples: Cd, Pb, Ni, Cr. In regards to lead and chromium level, the alert threshold has not been reached.

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