
AbstractThirty-five species ofMicareaare recorded for Tasmania. Ten are described as new to science:M. ceraceaCoppins & Kantvilas (also known from Victoria and New South Wales), characterized by a thallus containing perlatolic and didymic acids, pallid apothecia and 3(–4)-septate ascospores, 10–21 × 3·5–6 µm;M. cinereopallidaCoppins & Kantvilas (also known from Chile), with a granular to coralloid, goniocyst-like thallus containing superlatolic acid, pallid to piebald apothecia and (0–)1-septate ascospores, 8–15 × 2·5–5 µm;M. micromelaenaKantvilas & Coppins, similar to the widespreadM. melaenabut with markedly smaller, 0–1-septate ascospores, 8–12·5 × 2·5–4 µm;M. oreinaKantvilas & Coppins, characterized by a thallus of globose areoles containing gyrophoric acid, black, subglobose apothecia, and 1-septate ascospores, 11–16·5 × 4·5–6·5 µm;M. pallidaCoppins & Kantvilas, similar toM. ceraceabut distinguished by the presence of porphyrilic acid and relatively small, 3-septate ascospores, 9·5–15 × 2·5–4 µm;M. prasinastraCoppins & Kantvilas (also known from New Zealand), a member of theM. prasinagroup with a finely granular-sorediose thallus containing gyrophoric acid, unpigmented apothecia and (0–)1-septate ascospores, 7–11·5 × 1·8–3·5 µm;M. rubiginosaCoppins & Kantvilas (also known from Chile), likewise allied toM. prasinabut with apothecia containing Rubella-orange pigment and ascospores 0–1-septate, 9·5–17 × 3·5–5·5 µm;M. sandyanaKantvilas, related toM. ternaria(Nyl.) Vĕzda but differing by smaller ascospores, 7–13·5 × 3·5–6 µm;M. saxicolaCoppins & Kantvilas, characterized by a relatively thick, grey-brown, areolate thallus, convex, black apothecia and 0(–1)-septate ascospores, 7–18 × 4·5–7 µm; andM. tubaeformisCoppins & Kantvilas, related toM. flagellisporaand with filiform ascospores, 45–100 × 1–2 µm, but differing by containing 2′-O-methylperlatolic acid and having funnel-shaped pycnidia. Ten species ofMicareaare reported for Tasmania for the first time:M. almborniiCoppins,M. argopsinosaP. M. McCarthy & Elix,M. byssacea(Th. Fr.) Czarnotaet al.,M. contextaHedl.,M. farinosaCoppins & Aptroot,M. humilisP. M. McCarthy & Elix,M. incrassataHedl.,M. myriocarpaV. Wirth & Vězda ex Coppins,M. nowakiiCzarnota & Coppins andM. pseudocoppinsiiBrandet al.Also recorded for the first time for Victoria areM. alabastrites(Nyl.) Coppins andM. cinerea(Schaer.) Hedl. A key toMicarea-like lichens in Tasmania, which includesMicareaitself as well asBrianaria,PsilolechiaandLeimonis, is presented.Leimonis erratica(Körb.) R. C. Harris & Lendemer andBrianaria tuberculata(Sommerf.) S. Ekman & M. Svensson are recorded for Tasmania for the first time.

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