
Cellular sites of the tolerogen resistance in DDD mice against human IgG (HGG) were examined by reconstitution experiments in which cells of various lymphoid organs from tolerized mice were transferred into lethally irradiated syngeneic recipients with or without the supplement of an excess number of untreated T or B cells. It was shown that T cells but not B cells in the spleen and bone marrow-locating B cells were tolerogen resistant. Kinetic profiles of tolerance induction were compared among thymus, lymph node, and spleen T cells. Thymus cells fall into unresponsive state as early as 2 days after the tolerogen (tHGG) injection when only partial tolerance was observed in lymph node T cells. By 1 week of tolerogen treatment, the tolerant state was completed in both thymus cells and lymph node T cells, while spleen T cells showed marked resistance. Tolerance induced in thymus cells and spleen T cells was of relatively short duration and responsiveness was completely recovered by 5 weeks after the injection of tHGG. At this time lymph node T cells still showed hyporesponsiveness. The differences in tolerance inducibility were also shown among different lymphoid organs in tolerogen dose response. Lymph node T cells were very sensitive to tolerance induction, giving no response even by the injection of 0.01 mg of tHGG. Thymus cells were much less sensitive with the gradual loss of responsiveness by increasing the amount of tHGG. In contrast, spleen T cells showed gradual resistance with increasing amount of tHGG, indicating that some positive response was evoked in spleen T cells by a relatively high dose of tHGG. These results seem to suggest that the tolerogen resistance of spleen T cells may be due to their capability of showing positive response against the tolerogenic material. This was also suggested by the fact that the treatment with cyclophosphamide following the tolerogen injection diminished completely the responsiveness against the subsequent challenge immunization.

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