
Background: Hoopoe, Upupa epops belongs to the family Upupidae. It is found across Asia, Europe and Africa. Its habitat includes grasslands, savannas, wooded steppes, and forests. Main threats to the survival of the Hoopoe are habitat loss and climate changes.
 Objectives: The present study was planned in district Gujrat (32.7037°N, 73.9585°E), Punjab Pakistan. Due to habitat loss and cutting of Sheesham tree (Dalbergia sissoo), the natural nesting sites was very scarce.
 Methodology: Thirty three nested sites of Hoopoe were spotted and checked for chick’s presence regarding timing and breeding at the interval of one week. Egg size was measured using Dial clipper and weighed with electrical weighing balance.
 Results: The percentage clutch size 7.04 ± 0.64, brood size 1.76 ± 0.70 and nesting success of 81% was recorded. The following trees provided the nesting sites as hole/cavities Ficus benghalensis (Barh) (23.5%), Dalbergia sissoo (Shisham) (35.2%), Acacia nilotica (Kikar) (11.7%), Ficus religiosa (Peepal) (14.7%), Mangifera indica (Mango) (8.8%).
 Conclusion: More trees should be planted and wooden nest boxes should be provided at the human dwellings so that they can coexist with man.

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