
A novel approach to the manufacture of adaptive composite structures with integrated piezoelectric modules focusses on combining the previously separate production steps – production of the piezoceramic transducer, composite fabrication and integration of the transducers – into an efficient single-stage process. Based on the long fibre injection (LFI) technology, a novel multi fibre injection (MFI) method is developed. By integrating piezoceramic components like short fibres or pearls and suitable electrode structures into the composite, novel piezoelectric functional elements are created and embedded during the structure's manufacturing process. For the functionalisation of these elements, mainly to provide sensory properties, poling of the piezoceramic components during or after the production process is required. Based on initial simulations of electric field strength, poling process and resulting small signal properties, conclusions for an adapted poling strategy of these novel sensor modules are elaborated.

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