
The phytochemical compounds of Bridelia ferruginea plant parts was carried out using qualitative method to determine the bioactive compounds present in the plant leave, stem bark and root extracts. The samples was weighed, of which 100 g each of the powder were extracted in solvents (ethanol) 1000 ml macerated and stand for 72 hours. The solvents contained in the maceration bottle was decanted and filtered using a filter paper, the filtration was aided using a suction pump. The filtrate was concentrated using a rotary evaporator and then transferred into thermostatic water cabinet (Temperature was set at 45oC), allowed to dry completely. The plant parts extracts were separately kept in a screw capped bottle for further research. The bioactive compound in the plant parts were detected. The result revealed that Carbohydrates, Saponins, Flavonoids, Tannins, Cardiac Glycosides, fats and oils were present. Alkaloid present in Dragendoff’s test in all plant parts extract but absent in Mayer’s test in only leaf extract. Terpenoids/Steroids present in Liebermann-Burchard’s test in all plant parts extract but absent in Salkowski’s test in only leaf extract. Anthraquinones were absent in all plant parts extracts using Bontrager’s test. Therefore, the presence of these phyto-pharmacological compounds is an indicative that the plant is medicinal and it can be used for the treatment of bacterial and other microbial infections. Further study can be done to separate the individual metabolites to test their antimicrobial activity against some pathogenic bacteria like bacterial meningitis, tuberculosis and syphilis to determine their potency.

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