
The present study was aimed at ranking twelve domesticated orchid species based on ANOVA of their Perimeter : Protoxylem arch ratios. Two terrestrial orchids, Spathoglottis plicata Blume , Peristeria elata Hook and ten epiphytic orchids, Oncidium flexuosum Sims., Dendrobium crumenatum Sw., Dendrobium var. sonia, Arachnis flosaeris (L.) Rchb. f, Vanda sp., Phalaenopsis equestris (Schauer) Rchb. f., Doritis pulcherrima var. marmorata, Acampe sp., Vanilla sp. and Epidendrum sp. were selected for the present study. The P: Px ratio was observed to correlate with the water adaptive efficiency of the orchids.

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