
Functional analysis concept design (FACD) is a method by which owners and designers can ‘partner’ during the design phase of projects. Much has been written and reported about partnering on construction projects, but little is available on the applications and results of FACD. While FACD has been mentioned in the literature to be a valuable tool, evidence on its effectiveness has been missing. Consequently, FACD has not hitherto emerged as a common management system used during design. Management processes on its implementation also had not been developed fully until the United States Navy carried out research, much involving tedious trials and revisions. This paper describes processes that have been found suitable. The economic benefits of FACD have never been directly evaluated, but by examining and testing the quantum of change orders on projects, this study finds that FACD is a viable method that can reduce construction costs overall. Whereas value engineering and constructability review are other common tools, FACD is distinct from them both. FACD is allied to functional analysis system technique (FAST); regulations, and specifications have been developed to implement FACD to ensure its success.

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