
Kerküşti Höyük, which was successively inhabited from the Early Halaf until almost to the end of the Middle Halaf is geographically located in the middle of the Halaf world (Fig. 1). Its location at the transition point of zones of different environmental settings (mountainous area and steppe zone) not were only suitable for different life styles (permanently and seasonally) and different subsistence strategies (agriculture and husbandry) but also enabled the people of Kerküşti to communicate with different regions. The general character of the architecture reflects short-termed seasonal occupations with round and rectangular structures. The existence of structures with high stone foundations and wattle-and-daub superstructures as well as the ones with well plastered earthen floors hints that the area might have been used both permanently and seasonally. Pottery of Kerküşti demonstrates all the features of the Halaf period and also reflects its relations with the other Halaf sites.

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