
Bulbs 2-2.5 cm. broad: scapes several, ascending, 8-15 cm. long, the upper three fourths being exposed above the ground, I mm. in diameter: leaves equaling or exceeding the scapes, 5 mm. broad, conduplicate: umbels 5-13-flowered: bracts several, 5 mm. long: pedicels 2-3 cm. long: perianth funnelform, 15 mm. long, rose-purple, its segments 9-IO mm. long, the outer lanceolate, the inner slightly broader: statninodia wanting; stamens 3; filaments 3 mm. long; anthers 5 mm. long: style 6 mm. long: mature capsule oblong-obovate, 5 mm. long. Closely related to H. filifolia (S. Wats.) Greene, but distinguished by the absence of staminodia and by the stalked rather than sessile anthers; the bracts are also much less conspicuous. Growing in heavy soil near Cuyamaca Lake, San Diego County, Abrams 3897, June 25, 1903. The type of this, as well as those of the following new species, is in the Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden.

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