
The 1p and 2p halo structures of various halo candidates are identified from the separation energy calculations and driving potential curves. 11N, 23Al, and 26,27,28P are belonging to the 1p halo structure with low S(p) than S(2p) but 27,28,29S shows 2p halo structure. The decay possibilities of the 1p halo nuclei 8B, 11,12N, 17F, 23Al, and 26,27,28P and 2p halo nuclei 9C, 17,18Ne, 20Mg, and 28,29S from the superheavy parent isotopes with Z = 103 to 114 are studied within the Coulomb and Proximity Potential Model by evaluating the decay half-lives. Plots connecting the half-life for the emission of proton halos with the neutron number of daughter nuclei give the evidence for the possibility for the existence of the selected halo nuclei. It is evident from the computed half-lives that the emission of 1p halo nuclei such as 8B, 12N, and 17F and 2p halo nucleus 18Ne from various superheavy isotopes is probable. The plot connecting computed half-lives versus neuron number of the daughter nuclei indicates the nuclear shell closure effect of parent and daughter nuclei at N=126, 132, and 138

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