
The characteristics of transmembrane transport of (14)C-labelled indol-3yl-acetic acid ([1-(14)C]IAA) were compared in Chlorella vulgaris Beij., a simple unicellular green alga, and in Chara vulgaris L., a branched, multicellular green alga exhibiting axial polarity and a high degree of cell and organ specialization. In Chara thallus cells, three distinguishable trans-plasmamembrane fluxes contributed to the net uptake of [1-(14)C]-IAA from an external solution, viz.: a non-mediated, pH-sensitive influx of undissociated IAA (IAAH); a saturable influx of IAA; and a saturable efflux of IAA. Both saturable fluxes were competitively inhibited by unlabelled IAA. Association of [(3)H]IAA with microsomal preparations from Chara thallus tissue was competitively inhibited by unlabelled IAA. Results indicated that up-take carriers occurred in the membranes at a much higher density than efflux carriers. The efflux component of IAA net uptake by Chara was not affected by several phytotropins (N-1-naphthylphthalmic acid, NPA; 2-(1-pyrenoyl)benzoic acid; and 5-(2-carboxyphenyl)-3-phenylpyrazole), which are potent non-competitive inhibitors of specific auxin-efflux carriers in more advanced plant groups, and no evidence was found for a specific association of [(3)H]NPA with Chara microsomal preparations. It was concluded that Chara lacked phytotropin receptors. Net uptake of [1-(14)C]IAA also was unaffected by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid except at concentrations (≥ 10(-1) mol · m(-3)) high enough to depress cytoplasmic pH (determined by uptake of 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione). Chlorella cells accumulated [1-(14)C]IAA from an external solution by pH-sensitive diffusion of IAA across the plasma membrane and anion (IAA(-)) trapping, but no evidence was found in Chlorella for the occurrence of IAA carriers. These results indicate that carrier systems capable of mediating the transmembrane transport of auxins appeared at a very early stage in the evolution of green plants, possibly in association with the origin of a differentiated, multicellular plant body. Phytotropin receptors evolved independently of the carriers.

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